Show the user's input within a clickable button

I'm trying to create a functionality where I have an input field and a button next to it. When I type something in the input field and click on the button, I want the result to be displayed in another button. Here is what I have attempted so far:

function add_keyword() {
  var keyword_value = (document.getElementById("keyword").value);
  var result = keyword_value;

  document.getElementById("btnresult").value = result;
  display: none;
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" name="clickbtn" value="Add Keyword" onclick="add_keyword()">Add</button>

<div class="input-group">
  <input type="text" class="form-control" id="keyword" name="keywordbox"/>

<button type="button" id="btnresult" class="btn btn-default">Result will show here</button>

Answer №1

Check out this link for more details

It seems like the solution you are looking for...

Here is a simplified version of the code snippet:

<div class="container">
  <input type='button' value='Click Me' data-action='add' /><br>
  <input type='text' data-input='text' />

<ul class='list-buttons' data-list='buttons'>
  <!-- where should these buttons go? -->

The original question included jQuery as one of the tags, so I incorporated it into the solution

// caching elements for reuse
var $container = $('.container');
var $clickButton = $container.find('[data-action="add"]');
var $textInputField = $container.find('[data-input="text"]');

var $buttonList = $('[data-list="buttons"]');

$clickButton.on('click', function() { 
  var inputValue = $textInputField.val(); 
  $buttonList.append('<li><button>' + inputValue + '</button></li>'); 

Answer №2

You're on the verge of success, just remember to reveal the button you initially hid and update the innerHTML property instead of setting a value for the button. Buttons display text between their tags, not values.

Here are the changes I made:

function add_keyword() {
    var keyword_value = (document.getElementById("keyword").value);
    var result = keyword_value;
    // Changed from .value to .innerHTML
    document.getElementById("btnresult").innerHTML = result;
    // Changed style display to 'block'
    document.getElementById("btnresult").style.display = "block"
    display: none;
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" name="clickbtn" value="Add Keyword" onclick="add_keyword()">Add</button>
<div class="input-group">
    <input type="text" class="form-control" id="keyword" name="keywordbox"/>
<button type="button" id="btnresult" class="btn btn-default">input value should be here</button>

Furthermore, there are areas in your code that could use enhancement, as described below:

function add_keyword() {
    // No need for parentheses around the document.getElement function.
    var keyword_value = document.getElementById("keyword").value;
    // You can directly assign the value without creating a new variable, but it's good practice to store elements in variables for reuse.
    var btn = document.getElementById("btnresult");
    btn.innerHTML = keyword_value; = "block"

EDIT: To meet OP's objective of creating a new button with the input content, here is an updated version that generates a new button for each input.

function add_keyword() {
    var keyword_value = document.getElementById("keyword").value;
    // Create a new button element.
    var btn = document.createElement("button");
    // Set its content to the keyword from the input.
    btn.innerHTML = keyword_value
    // Append it to the body.
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" name="clickbtn" value="Add Keyword" onclick="add_keyword()">Add</button>
<div class="input-group">
    <input type="text" class="form-control" id="keyword" name="keywordbox"/>

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