What steps can be taken to prevent users from dragging a page horizontally?

One function on my site involves a horizontal scroll that animates the DIV to the left when a button is clicked.

The element's width is set at 18000px, ensuring it has a horizontal scrollbar that I have since disabled.

Despite this, users are still able to drag the page left and right, which I would like to prevent. Are there any CSS solutions to help me with this issue? Thank you for your assistance.

Answer №1

To achieve the desired effect, one can utilize the CSS property overflow:hidden on the DIV element and control the shifting left and right using JavaScript for the margin-left.

Check out this example below:

<!-- The "Frame" -->
<div class="container" style="width:1024px;overflow:hidden">
  <div class="very-long-div" style="width:18000px">
     Your amazing content goes here

Answer №2

To conceal the horizontal scrollbar in your CSS, simply add body{overflow-x:hidden;}.

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