Does the Width Toggle Animation fail to function in FireFox when using jQuery?

Has anyone else encountered this issue with the jQuery animate function not working in Firefox but working fine in IE8, Opera, and Chrome? I'm experiencing this problem and wondering if there's a workaround to make it work in Firefox as well.

If I haven't made any syntax errors, what steps can be taken to resolve this issue for Firefox?

Thank you.


    <div id="SearchIcon">Ar!</div>
<div id="LeftPanel"></div>






$('#SearchIcon').click(function() {

        var toggleWidth = $("#LeftPanel").width() == 365 ? "1096px" : "365px"; 
        $('#LeftPanel').animate( {'width': toggleWidth}, 300); 


Answer №1

To fix the error, simply remove event.preventDefault().


In Firefox, event is not available in the global scope. If you call it before defining it, an error will occur and prevent the rest of the method from executing. Make sure to add an event variable into the callback function.

$('#SearchIcon').click(function(event) {

    var toggleWidth = $("#LeftPanel").width() == 365 ? "1096px" : "365px"; 
    $('#LeftPanel').animate( {'width': toggleWidth}, 300); 


Answer №2

An issue has occured stating event is not defined.

To fix this, include the event parameter:

$('#SearchIcon').click(function(event) { /* <-- pass in event param */
    var $panel = $("#LeftPanel"),
        toggleWidth = $panel.width() == 365 ? "1096px" : "365px";

    $panel.animate( {'width': toggleWidth}, 300); 

... and keep a reference to your $("#LeftPanel") element.

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