Launching a Popup in ASP.NET followed by a Redirect

I have a unique custom CSS/HTML popup lightbox along with a form that contains a button.

My objective is, upon clicking the button:

  1. to open the popup
  2. followed by using Thread.Sleep
  3. and finally carry out a Response.Redirect to a different page.

Do you think this can be achieved?

Below is my HTML code snippet for reference:

<a href="#test"><img src="images/smallimg.jpg"/></a>
<div class="overlay" id="test">
<img src="images/bigimg.jpg"/>
<a href="#page" class="close">x Close</a>

Answer №1

To implement this in JavaScript, start by displaying the popup and then utilize the setTimeout(code,millisec,lang) function to trigger the ButtonClick event or function.

For ASP.NET, connect the setTimeout(code,millisec,lang) function from the backend.

Answer №2

Instead of making unnecessary server calls to have the main thread sleep for a set amount of time and then redirect, why not handle everything in JavaScript since you're already working on it?

To achieve this, display the box first and then utilize this snippet of JavaScript code to introduce a delay (for instance, 5 seconds - equivalent to 5000 milliseconds) before redirecting to another page:

setTimeout(function() {
    location.href = 'OtherPage.aspx';
}, 5000);

Answer №3

feel free to utilize the following script


alternatively, in your specific scenario

$('.overlay').show(); // make sure to apply appropriate styling to your div for it to appear as a popup

You also have the option of using jQuery Dialog.

If you encounter any issues, please inform me

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