Angular: "btn" class vanishes when the button is toggled

I am facing an issue with the button's class change functionality. I am using the [ngClass] directive to switch between Bootstrap classes for the button style. However, when I click the button, the "btn" class seems to disappear from the code. Instead of getting 'btn-success btn', I only get 'btn-success'. The button also plays a role in toggling the visibility of a paragraph containing random text.

Below is my TypeScript code:

<button type="button"
  [ngClass]="{'btn-success btn': showPass, 'btn-danger btn': !showPass }">{{status}}

<p [hidden]="showPass"  >Secret password</p>

And this is my HTML code:

 onClick(event: Event) {

    this.status = this.showPass ? "Show me!" : "Hide me!"

Answer №1

If the button class will always be present, you can simplify it like this:

<button type="button"
  [ngClass]="{'btn-success': showPass, 'btn-danger': !showPass }">{{status}}

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