There is excessive space beneath the text

I am struggling with aligning text vertically to match the chevrons. I have attempted various CSS properties like removing paddings/margins, setting line-height to 1, using text-decoration: none, text-align: center, and vertical-align: middle on my <p> tag without success.

There is a specific text ('TODAY') that I want to be centrally aligned with the chevrons, but despite trying different solutions found in search results, I haven't been able to achieve this desired result.

The Challenge

  • remove paddings/margins
  • line-height: 1
  • text-decoration: none
  • text-align: center
  • vertical-align: middle

If you have any suggestions or solutions on how to perfectly center this text with the chevrons, please let me know! Your help is greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

This seems like a viable solution.

.scroll-to-now {
  display: inline-flex; /* alternatively, use display: flex */
  align-items: center;

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