Place centered items within a flexbox that uses space-between alignment

When designing a navigation section, I am looking to achieve space-between justification. However, for smaller screens where the navigation items may need to wrap onto multiple rows, I want the items to center themselves instead of aligning to the left when they are alone on a row.

nav {
  display: flex;
  width: 100%;
  flex-flow: row wrap;
  justify-content: space-between;
  <div class='item'>
    Item 1 will be on its own row on smaller screens but won't be centered.
  <div class='item'>
    Item 2 will have a similar layout as item 1.

Check out the Codepen demo:

Answer №1

There are a couple of approaches that may work:

  1. Utilize CSS media queries; or
  2. Implement a JS solution, detailed below:

If an item is wrapped and takes up 100% width, you can monitor the window resizing event to determine if the item's width matches that of its parent element. If so, add a specific class at that moment and remove it when the condition is no longer met:

function justifyCenter() {
    var navWidth = $("nav").width();
    var itemWidth = $(".item:first-child").width();

    if (navWidth === itemWidth ) {
    } else {

Check out the Codepen demo for a live example:

Answer №2

After reading LGSon's comment, it becomes clear that the OP may be looking for a way to adjust dynamic text within a container, regardless of flexbox settings or screen size.

One solution could involve utilizing JavaScript to detect line breaks and then perform an action, such as centering the text. An example library that may assist with this is available at:

Alternatively, consider using JavaScript to automatically resize text to fit the designated container. Although this approach may not be suitable for all scenarios, tools like can be helpful in some cases.

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