How do I get my navbar to change color using a JavaScript scroll function?

I've been struggling with changing the color of my navbar when it's scrolled. I have some JavaScript code at the bottom that should handle this, but for some reason, it's not working as expected. I've double-checked that my bootstrap CDN is updated and that my class references are correct, but nothing seems to be fixing the issue.

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<!-- This is the JS section that's not working: -->

        $(function () {
            $(document).scroll(function () {
                var $nav = $("#mainNavbar");
                $nav.toggleClass("scrolled", $(this).scrollTop() > $nav.height());


And here's my custom CSS:

.navbar.scrolled {
    background: rgb(222,192,222);
    transition: background 500ms;

I really want the navbar to change its background color on scroll, but no matter what I try, it's just not happening.

Answer №1

I wanted to point out a small error in your code - you mistakenly declared the id as "#mainNavbar", you can simply remove the # from it. id="mainNavbar"

Answer №2

Ensure the removal of the hash from the navigation ID. Refer to the image provided in this link:

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