CSS - Customizing the appearance of consecutive child divs

I'm struggling with adjusting the margin between two child divs when they follow each other. The current margin is set at 3rem, but I want it to be 1rem if both child containers have the class "narrow":

Is there a way to achieve this without changing the code for field_item? I'm open to using jQuery as a last resort.

For example:

    <div class="field_item">
        <div class="narrow video-block">narrow video-block</div>
    <div class="field_item">
        <div class="narrow video-block">narrow video-block</div>

Here's some pseudo code to illustrate my question:

IF field_item.narrow is followed by .field_item.wide 
THEN margin-bottom is 5rem.

ELSE IF field_item.narrow is followed by .field_item.narrow
THEN margin-bottom is 1rem.

Any suggestions or solutions would be greatly appreciated!


Answer №1

To add margin to all elements with the class .field_item except the last one in a group, you can utilize the CSS selector :not(:last-of-type).

.field_item:not(:last-of-type) {
  margin-bottom: 1em;

Upon reviewing additional details:

Considering the updates, it might be beneficial to reconsider your approach. Without sufficient context provided in your question, it is hard to grasp the scenario fully. One option could involve restructuring your DOM.

If restructuring is not viable, you can employ jQuery similar to the following code snippet. This script will identify instances where two consecutive items with the classes .field_item.narrow appear and apply an additional class to them for styling purposes.

$(".field_item").each(function(index) {
  var thisItem = $(this).children(".video-block").first();
  var nextItem = $(this).next(".field_item").children(".video-block").first();
  if (thisItem.hasClass("narrow") && nextItem.hasClass("narrow")) {
.marginSmall {
  margin-bottom: 1em;

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