"Implementing a form submission feature in React.js that dynamically applies a class to the result element

I recently developed a basic BMI calculator using React.js. I am now attempting to implement a feature where if the calculated BMI result falls outside the range of a healthy BMI, the result text will be displayed in red color (I am utilizing styled-components for this purpose). However, I am facing challenges determining the appropriate location to integrate this functionality, whether within the Form or Result component, and what methodologies to employ (I reviewed the classNames library but found it difficult to grasp based on the provided examples). Any guidance from fellow developers would be greatly appreciated.

Form element

 // Code for Form component...

Result element

// Code for Result component...

Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.

Answer №1

Consider incorporating an additional useState hook to manage a danger state:

    const [danger, setDanger] = useState(false);

Then, if the result indicates an unhealthy BMI, update the danger state to true:

    if (classification !== "Healty") {
    } else {

Finally, customize the styling based on the value of the danger state:

    let component = null;
        component = <Result className="redStyled" ...props />
        component = <Result className="healthyStyled" ...props />

You could also consider utilizing styled-components and passing a prop such as isHealhty to the Result component for conditional rendering based on health status.

Answer №2

To start, establish a new class and utilize setState to keep the code up-to-date.

const [category, setCategory] = useState(0);

Within your decision-making code, assign the class accordingly. You have the freedom to use your own codes or strings, but for this example, numbers are used.

if (bmi < 18.5) {
    } else if (bmi > 18.5 && bmi <= 24.9) {
    } else if (bmi > 24.9 && bmi < 30) {
    } else if (bmi < 35) {
      setClassification("Obesity class I");
    } else if (bmi < 40) {
      setClassification("Obesity class II");
    } else {
      setClassification("Obesity class III");

Include the category as a prop in the result component

<Result bmi={bmi} classification={classification} category={category} />

Subsequently, inspect the result component and tailor the design of the component to match

const Result = ({ bmi, classification, category }) => {
  const styles = [{'style of 1'},{'style of 2'},{'style of 3'},{'style of 4'},{'style of 5'},{'style of 6'}];
  return (
    <StyledResultWrapper style={styles[category]}>
      <StyledResult>{bmi && <>Your BMI is {bmi}</>}</StyledResult>
export default Result;

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