Difficulties encountered while attempting to modify a class using Javascript

Recently, I've encountered an issue with my JavaScript where I am unable to keep a particular element's class changed. Despite attempting to change the class to "overlist", it only stays that way briefly before switching back to its original state, underlist. I'm really struggling to find a solution to make the class stick.

My HTML code:

<ul class="overlist">
        <a onClick="activateTutorials()">Tutorials</a>
        <ul class="underlist Tutorials">
                <a href="#" onClick="frame(1)">Filler Text</a>
                <a href="#" onClick="frame(2)">More Filler Text</a>
                <a href="#" onClick="frame(3)">Foo Tutorial</a>
                <a href="#" onClick="frame(4)">More foo Tutorial</a>
                <a href="#" onClick="frame(5)">Foo Guide</a>

CSS code:

.underlist {
    display: none;

Javascript code:

function activateTutorials(){






Answer №1

Here are some tips for debugging: Firstly, make sure to check if the function is actually running (it wasn't for me). I made a slight modification:

<a href="#" onClick="javascript:activateTutorials();" class="Tutorials">Tutorials</a>

Secondly, remember that getElementsByClassName returns an array, so adjust your script accordingly:

function activateTutorials(){

If you see a console statement at the beginning of your function, it's a helpful tool for debugging (in Chrome, access it with Ctrl+Shift+J).

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