ASP.NET MVC does not automatically refresh when changes are made to the CSS file

Currently, I am diving into the world of Bootstrap 4 within an ASP.NET MVC project, exclusively making changes to the index.cshtml file in JetBrains Rider. However, I've encountered a strange issue that has me stumped.

Each day, when I begin writing new HTML code, everything appears to be functioning correctly - dotnet watch run is running smoothly, and inline styling is being applied as expected. But as soon as I make changes to site.css, those modifications are not being recognized for some reason. It's puzzling because sometimes the issue resolves itself out of the blue (quite weird, but I'll take it). For instance, yesterday I was unable to update the CSS until I launched the project in JetBrains Rider, yet today it stopped working again. On another occasion, the problem disappeared when I wasn't even using my computer (strange, right?). Have any insights on what might be happening or how to resolve this hiccup? My attempts at finding answers through Google have been unfruitful so far.

P.S. Despite updating my JetBrains IDE to the latest version, the situation remains unchanged.

Answer №1

The issue is related to browser caching. To solve this, you can add a random number or GUID at the end of your CSS file link like this:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css?v=5.2.7">
Make sure the version number is generated randomly. Before making this change, you may also want to clear your cache or do a hard reload of the page to see the updates.

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