The media query was running smoothly until it unexpectedly stopped functioning

I've encountered an issue where something that used to work perfectly fine suddenly stopped working :(

@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
input {
     width: 80vw !important;

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

For reference, I have attached the HTML, CSS, and JS code below:

DEMO: CodePen

Answer №1

Your code is being affected by a hidden special character that has been inserted without your knowledge.

This unknown character is causing your CSS declaration to be invalid, triggering error handling and resulting in the rule being disregarded.

To identify this issue, try pasting your code into Notepad to reveal the hidden character.

In the realm of computer science, we refer to this as a stealthy, non-repeating apparition, akin to a wandering specter... quite troublesome indeed! :-)

A quick fix would involve removing the problematic media query and typing it out again from scratch.

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