Tips for updating sass import files as the body class changes

Is there a way to dynamically change the SCSS file with color variables based on the changing body class?

For example, if my HTML includes:

<body class="custom"> ... </body>

I would like to load in style.scss:

@import 'custom';

And if I have:

<body class="dark-mode"> ... </body>  

I want to load in style.scss:

@import 'dark-mode';

Answer №1

It's not possible to use an @import based on a condition, but there are many alternative methods you can try out. Below is a simple framework I created in the past.

@function keyFilter($iKey, $fKey, $rKey) {
  @if ($iKey == $fKey) {
    @return $rKey;
  @return $iKey;

@function v($key) {
  @return var(--#{$key});


$modes: (
  "&": (
    "color": #000,
  "dark": (
    "color": #fff,


@each $key, $map in $modes {
  body#{keyFilter("[#{$key}]", "[&]", null)} {
    @each $key, $value in $map {
      --#{$key}: #{$value};

To add a new mode, simply include another map within the $modes variable. You can create as many modes as needed. Remember that the "&" mode represents the default mode.

$modes: (
  "&": (
  "dark": (

If you want to add a new variable depending on the mode, just specify the key and value for that specific mode.

$modes: (
  "&": (
    "color": #000,
    "bgc": #fff,
    "bgc-contrast": #eee,
  "dark": (
    "color": #fff,
    "bgc": #000,
    "bgc-contrast": #424242,

To retrieve a variable, use the v($key) function.

body {
  color: v(color);
  background-color: v(bgc);

div.contrasted {
  background-color: v(bgc-contrast);

This will compile into:

body {
  --color: #000;
  --bgc: #fff;
  --bgc-contrast: #eee;

body[dark] {
  --color: #fff;
  --bgc: #000;
  --bgc-contrast: #424242;

body {
  color: var(--color);
  background-color: var(--bgc);

div.contrasted {
  background-color: var(--bgc-contrast);

Note: It's not necessary to define every variable for each mode. If a variable is missing for a particular mode, it won't cause an error.

For example, this is perfectly acceptable:

$modes: (
  "&": (
  "dark": (
    "color": #fff,
    "bgc": #000,
    "bgc-contrast": #424242,


body {
  color: v(color);
  background-color: v(bgc);

div.contrasted {
  background-color: v(bgc-contrast);

...will work without any issues.

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