Tips for deciding on the appropriate CSS for an Angular 6 navbar component

I am currently working on an angular 6 application where users are assigned different roles that require distinct styling. Role 1 uses Stylesheet 1, while Role 2 uses Stylesheet 2.

The Navbar component is a crucial part of the overall layout structure of the application.

Recently, new requirements have emerged, stating that the Navbar must now be styled differently based on the user's role.

Currently, the styleUrls property in the @Component decorator only allows for one CSS file to be used. Is there a way to incorporate an ngIf directive so that if the routerLink is /user1, the navbar.css stylesheet is applied, and if it is /user2, the navbar2.css stylesheet is utilized?

    selector: 'jhi-navbar',
    templateUrl: './navbar.component.html',
    styleUrls: ['navbar.css']

Thank you!

Answer №1

Unfortunately, the specific feature you are searching for is not readily available. This is due to the fact that CSS gets compiled into the component code, meaning that your CSS becomes part of the compiled JS files and is scoped to the specific component it was compiled with.

My approach to handling this issue is to namespace my CSS and store both versions in the same file. I then conditionally add a class at the top level to toggle between one set of styles or another.

For instance:

<!-- template.html -->
<div [ngClass]="{'role-one': roleOneActive, 'role-two': roleTwoActive}">
  <div class="another-class">Exciting Code Here</div>

Subsequently, in your CSS:

.role-one .another-class {
  background-color: blue;

.role-two .another-class {
  background-color: red;

With this setup, individuals assigned role one will see a blue background, while those with role two will observe a red background.

Although users may end up downloading both sets of styles, this method is necessary if you wish to utilize Angular's styleUrls decorator.

I trust this explanation proves helpful!

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