Using JQuery functions from other JavaScript files is Simple

When it comes to my CSS, I have taken the approach of creating smaller files for specific functions and then using minification to merge and compress them into one file for easier download.

I want to apply the same strategy to my JS Files by logically separating them and then combining and compressing them with MIN for download purposes.

However, the only issue I'm facing is that the AJAX-based site I am developing has a core JS file responsible for handling requests to load pages in the main viewing area.

Is it possible for me to call a function from this core JS file in other JS files? It's almost like making one JS file accessible to other scripts.

Do you have any advice or suggestions on how to proceed?

Thank you


Could someone guide me on how to call a function in one JS file from another?

For example:

File A contains the function "callmetoday()"

How can I execute this function from within JS file number 2?

Answer №1

A function or variable declared outside of a function or object field resides in the global scope, such as the window object in a browser environment.

It is important to note Darwayne's warning that functions from different files must be declared before they can be used, particularly if using certain browsers like some versions of Firefox.

For example:

file 1.js:

function f1(x){


file 2.js:

function f2(x){
  if(x) f1(x-1)

In this scenario:

  • When 1.js loads, f1 is available globally
  • Once 2.js loads, f2 is also accessible globally
  • Upon full page load, both f1 and f2 can be utilized.

Answer №2

Definitely, ensure that you load the necessary js files before moving forward.

If you're seeking a structured approach, I recommend checking out requirejs, a powerful library designed to help with managing dependencies effectively.


Answer №3

Absolutely, it is possible to import functions from two different js files, but there's a trick:

The function must be defined before you can invoke it.

This implies that either the js file containing the desired functions should be loaded prior to the one calling them... or ensure that the function is called only after the entire page has finished loading.

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