Arranging unrelated divs in alignment <-- Here is the specific portion of the website that needs alignment.

My goal is to have Onyx Design perfectly aligned with the right side of the navbar, or to have the navbar extend up to the end of "Onyx Design".

The text has no relation to the navbar, unless "uncle" is a term used for div relationships.

I am open to using jQuery/JavaScript as an option, as I plan to incorporate it into the site later for functionality.

This is how I envision it looking:

The important divs are:

.titling contains the header and includes border-top and border-bottom. .bottomheader contains .navbar (the white strip with icons) and the heart button.

Answer №1

After some research, I found a simple solution:

  max-width: 300px;
  width: 300px;
  text-align: right;

It may not be perfect, but it should meet your requirements.

Check out the demo here:

Answer №2

If you're unsure of the navbar's length, you can utilize some JavaScript (using jQuery) to dynamically set the width:


   var heading = $('.title>h1');
   var navigationBar = $('.navbar');      
   heading.css({width: (navigationBar.width() + 'px'), 'text-align':'right'});  


Original Source:

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