Problem with input field borders in Firefox when displayed within table cells


When clicking on any cell in the table within the JSFiddle using Firefox, you may notice that the bottom and right borders are hidden. Is there a clever solution to overcome this issue?

I have experimented with a few approaches but none of them worked as expected:

  • One attempt was to add padding-right: 3px to reveal the right side of the blue border, followed by border-right: 3px to account for the added padding. However, this led to conflicts between the border and background-color styles.
  • Another approach involved reducing the width and height of the input field by a few pixels when td input:focus. Unfortunately, this conflicted with my requirement of having the width set to 100% due to resizable columns (not included in the JSFiddle for simplicity).

Answer №1

Based on what I've seen, box-shadow seems to be much more dependable and versatile compared to outline ;)

input:focus {
    box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px blue inset;

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