Target the first element within a tree structure using CSS

Trying to target the initial blockquote in an email body with varying formats, such as:

<div class="myclass">
    <div><div> <!--sometimes with less or more div-->
        <blockquote> <!--the specific blockquote I am aiming to select-->
            <div> <div> <br>
            </div> </div>

The challenge lies in the fact that there can be variations in formatting and multiple div elements before the first blockquote,
so using:

.myclass > div > div > blockquote {}

may not always produce the desired outcome.
Instead of this approach, utilizing:

.myclass blockquote:first-of-type {}

will capture all blockquotes within the content.

To address this issue, the goal is to exclusively select the FIRST blockquote regardless of its placement within the HTML structure.

Answer №1

Is this what you're looking for? It targets the first nested blockquote within the container with the class .myclass, excluding any blockquotes that are children of the first blockquote.

.myclass blockquote:not(blockquote blockquote) {
  background-color: red;
<div class="myclass">
      <!--sometimes less, sometimes more divs-->
        <!--the blockquote I want to target-->
          <div> <br>

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