Speed up the opening and closing of a div element on mouse hover

Looking to create a smooth delay for opening and closing a div when mouse hover. Here is the code I have:

function show_panel1()

function hide_panel1()
<div class="col-sm-4 slideanim" onMouseOver="show_panel1()" onMouseOut="hide_panel1()">
      <div class="thumbnail panel">
        <img src="images/hospital.jpg" alt="Paris">
        <div class="" id="hoverpanel1" style="display:none;">
          <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur porta dictum turpis, eu mollis justo gravida ac. Proin non eros blandit, rutrum est a, cursus quam. Nam ultricies, velit ac suscipit vehicula, turpis eros sollicitudin lacus, at convallis mauris magna non justo. Etiam et suscipit elit. Morbi eu ornare nulla, sit amet ornare ...
          <h3 style="font-size:20px;">NEW PETS FOR SALE!</h3>
          <?php include"panelcarousel.php"; ?>

Found this source but unsure how to implement it:

Answer №1

Feel free to make use of the code snippet below if it meets your needs.

function display_panel1()

function conceal_panel1()
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="col-sm-4 slideanim" onMouseEnter="display_panel1()" onMouseLeave="conceal_panel1()">
      <div class="thumbnail panel">
        <img src="images/hospital.jpg" alt="Paris">
        <div class="" id="hoverpanel1" style="display:none;">
          <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur porta dictum turpis, eu mollis justo gravida ac. Proin non eros blandit, rutrum est a, cursus quam. Nam ultricies, velit ac suscipit vehicula, turpis eros sollicitudin lacus, at convallis mauris magna non justo. Etiam et suscipit elit. Morbi eu ornare nulla, sit amet ornare est. Sed vehicula ipsum a mattis dapibus. Etiam volutpat vel enim at auctor.</p>
          <h3 style="font-size:20px;">NEW PETS FOR SALE!</h3>
          <?php include"panelcarousel.php"; ?>

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