The background image is being cropped outside the item. What steps should I take to display it properly?

I am facing an issue with positioning a background image just outside the lime container.

When I position it correctly, any part of the image that extends beyond the container gets cut off. How can I display the whole image even if it is outside the container?

Desired effect

CSS code

body ul#main_navigation li li:hover > a, body ul#main_navigation li li.over > a
     background-position: 197px 12px;
     background-color: #0F0;
     color: #FFF;

Answer №1

Having a background-image extending outside of an element is not recommended. To create the appearance of it being part of the original element, consider using a span within the element or placing the background image on the adjacent element.

In my opinion, employing a span with a background image positioned to overlap the div would be the best approach.

Answer №2

It's not feasible to have an image exceed the boundaries of its container. One workaround could be adjusting the width of the list item to fit the arrow image and then shifting the child element to the left.

Alternatively, you may consider using the arrow as a background for the child element.

Answer №3

Have you considered using this image as the background for the top item in the subcategory list?

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