Issue with toggling in react js on mobile devices

Currently, I am working on making my design responsive. My approach involves displaying a basket when the div style is set to "block", and hiding it when the user browses on a mobile device by setting the display to "none". The user can then click on a button to open the basket.

The issue I am facing now is that the default state is set to true. This means that when a mobile user visits the website, they will see the basket first, which is not desirable. Ideally, I want the basket to be hidden when the user first visits, and they should need to click on a button to reveal it. However, setting the default state to false is not an option as desktop users won't be able to see the basket then.

  const [toggle, setToggle] = useState(true);

<button onClick={() => setToggle(!toggle)}>Open</button>
  className="box_order mobile_fixed"
  style={{ display: `${toggle ? "block" : "none"}` }}

Answer №1

To initially set the state value, consider using window.matchMedia.

By utilizing the Window interface's matchMedia() method, you can obtain a MediaQueryList object to check if the document conforms to a specific media query string and observe changes in its compliance.

Here's an example:

const [toggle, setToggle] = useState(window.matchMedia("max-width: 768px").matches);

Answer №2

By utilizing the media queries API, you have the ability to adjust the default value of toggle based on screen size. It's also important to listen for changes in screen size when necessary.

If you're interested, check out this resource: Media query syntax for Reactjs

Answer №3

Do you utilize tailwindcss? Check out this guide on how to integrate Tailwind into your project via CDN

Rework your className to something like

${toggle ? "hidden" : "block"} sm:block
and eliminate the style property. On mobile view, the div will remain hidden. It will not be displayed as a block until the screen size hits 768 width or larger due to the media query sm:block. This setup ensures that the basket is only displayed after clicking the button. Ensure to follow this convention for your setToggle function:
setToggle(prevState => !prevState)

Answer №4

Ensure the initial state is set to false and implement the useState callback function

  const [isActive, setIsActive] = useState(window.innerWidth > 700);

<button onClick={() => setIsActive(prevState => !prevState)}>Toggle</button>
  className="box_order mobile_fixed"
  style={{ display: isActive ? "block" : "none" }}

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