What is the best way to ensure that the text within Span children is properly laid out to match the width of the parent div tag?

This particular instance involves setting the width of the div tag to 200px and organizing all the span children to occupy the entire width of the parent div tag. If the first row is filled, the span tags should then flow into a second row.

My attempt at achieving this only resulted in all the span tags appearing in a single row:



<div width="200px">
<span> text 1 </span> <span> text 2 </span> <span> text 8 </span> <span> text 4 </span><span> text5 </span>
<span> text 6 </span><span> text 7 </span><span> text 9 </span><span> text 10 </span><span> text 11 </span>
<span> text 12 </span><span> text 18 </span> <span> text 14 </span><span> text15 </span>
<span> text 16 </span><span> text 17 </span>


Answer №1

The width attribute is not valid for div elements. To set the width, use CSS or inline styling, like so:

<div style="width: 300px"></div>

Here are some elements that can have the width attribute:

<canvas>, <embed>, <iframe>, <img>, <input>, <object>, <video>

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