A div positioned to the left is placed beneath another div

I am faced with a design challenge involving two divs. The first div is floated left, while the second div is floated right. In order to achieve a responsive layout, I need the first div to go under the second div when the viewport changes. Both divs contain dynamic content and have variable heights.

I am seeking a solution using only CSS, without relying on javascript. While I know how to place the second div under the first one, I am struggling to reverse the order.

If anyone has experience or insight on how to accomplish this task, please share your knowledge!


 <div id="div1 sidebar" style="float: left;">
   //dynamic content

 <div id="div2 content" style="float: right;">
  //dynamic content

It's important to note that the HTML is auto-generated, with div1 appearing before div2 in the markup. Changing the order of the divs (placing div2 above div1) is not recommended due to the widespread use of this layout structure across many pages.

Answer №1

Here's a suggestion I have. By using media queries, you can determine the maximum width at which you want your div elements to be displayed side by side.

In your HTML code, arrange your divs in this order (with the right one first):

<div class="div2">
    div 2
<div class="div1">
    div 1

The CSS styles for these div elements should be set as follows:

.div1 {
    float: left;
    width: 25%; 
.div2 {
    float: right;
    width: 75%;

To ensure that your left div appears below the right one when the screen size is reduced, you can include the following CSS code within a media query block:

@media all and (max-width: 480px) {
    .div1, .div2 { 
        float: none;
        display: block; 

If you want to see this layout in action, check out this jsfiddle demo. Simply resize your browser window to observe the left div moving below the right one.

Answer №2

To achieve the desired layout, I recommend implementing a media query in your CSS code. This will allow you to adjust the styles of the divs based on the viewport size. You can float div 1 to the right, float div 2 to the left, and add a sufficient right margin to div 2 so that it forces div 1 to move down to the next row.

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