Use jQuery to insert the TEXT heading as an input value

Can anyone help me with copying text from a heading to an input value? Here's an example:

<h2 class="customTitleHead">This is a Heading</h2>

I want to transfer the text from the heading into an input field like this:

<input type="text" value="" name="rProvider" class="rr_small_input" />

The desired output should be the text from the heading inside the input value:

<input type="text" value="This is a Heading" name="rProvider" class="rr_small_input" />

I've attempted to use the following code, but my input remains empty:

jQuery(function () {

Answer №1

val() retrieves or updates the value attribute of certain elements like input, select, textarea, and progress. It's important to note that the H2 element does not have a value attribute. To extract the inner text of an element, you can use the text() method.


Answer №2

.val() is specifically designed to retrieve values from input, select, textarea, and progress elements, as these are the only ones with a value property. For all other elements, including custom ones, you should use jQuery's .text() method:


Answer №3

<h2 id='myHeader' class="customTitleHead">Welcome to the Jungle</h2>
<input id='myInput' type="text" value="Welcome to the Jungle" name="rProvider" class="rr_small_input" />

    jQuery(document).ready(function() {

Answer №4

Here is my preferred method:


This code snippet grabs the content within the .customTitleHead class and sets it as the value of the input. It's a straightforward process.

Keep in mind: You have the option to use .text() instead of .html(), although I personally prefer using .html()


If you need to target a specific input, refer to it by its class rather than just using input. For example:



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