Child div height exceeds parent container bounds

Take a look at this example here:

Can you determine why the "icons" div is overflowing the height of its parent div, "logoTimeAndIcons"?

To visualize the issue, try changing the height to 50%.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

The icons object is configured to fill 100% of the height of its parent object, which in this scenario is 400px. When placing a 200px object in a 200px parent container, it makes perfect sense. The two floating divs above, along with applying clear: both to #icons, result in this div extending beyond the bounds of its parent div. This behavior is expected and common. Objects can often overflow their parent containers, but utilizing the overflow css-attribute can help manage this issue.

If you encounter problems related to this, you can:

  1. Adjust the size of #icons to a smaller height (e.g., 100px)
  2. Alternatively, apply overflow: hidden to #logoTimeAndIcons to conceal the overflowing content.

I hope this information proves helpful.

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