Error encountered during Bootstrap 4 SCSS compilation: Invalid US-ASCII character identified as "\xE2"

Encountering difficulties when compiling certain bootstrap 4 modules (switching from beta3).

Despite the fact that the issue can be resolved by adding @charset: 'UTF-8'; to the _hover.scss mixin partial (which is flagged as deprecated within the file), it seems unnecessary since it should compile seamlessly just like previous beta versions.

Snippet from _hover.scss:

@mixin hover {
  &:hover { @content; }

@mixin hover-focus {
  &:focus {

@mixin plain-hover-focus {
  &:focus {

@mixin hover-focus-active {
  &:active {

After checking SCSS files, unable to pinpoint the exact issue, quotes appear to be correct.

Answer №1

Upon careful examination, it appears that the problematic character causing issues is the - in the top comments ("iOS-an issue..").

One solution is to replace this character with one's own - and the code should compile correctly (or simply add @charset: 'UTF-8'; at the beginning of the _hover.scss mixin file).

To view the issue report, visit:

Answer №2

Encountering the charset issue was a familiar dilemma for me.

It seems that there is a particular challenge with the ruby Encoding Settings on OSX.

To resolve this, I took the initiative to create a config.rb file in the primary project directory, instructing ruby explicitly to utilize a specific charset encoding. Given that sass and compass rely on ruby, implementing this solution may just be the key to resolving your issues.

Encoding.default_external = 'utf-8'

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