Styling Dropdown Options Based on Conditions in React

In my current project, I am attempting to modify the className of selected items within a mapped array using another array (this.props.notPressAble). The reason for this is because I want certain objects in the array to have a different CSS style.

handleOptions = () =>{
    let array =, i) => 

    for(let x = 0; x < this.props.options.length; x++)
        if(this.props.notPressAble !== undefined)
            for(let y = 0; y < this.props.notPressAble.length; y++)
                if(x == this.props.notPressAble[y])
                    array[x].props.className = classes.dropdownoptionsnotpressable

    return array

Below is where I apply the class to help readers better understand my issue:

 <SideBarContainers name="Planning" notPressAble={[0, 6, 11]}
     "+ New Activity",
     "Show All Open",
     "Show Delayed",
     "Show All Closed",
     "Show Categorized All",
     "To do:",
     "+ New To Do",
     "Show All Open",
     "Show All Closed",
     "Show Categorized All",
     "Personal planning:",
     "+ New Post",
     "Show Simple All"

]} />

The issue I'm facing is that array[x].props.className is a readOnly value and cannot be altered. Is there an alternative method to achieve this?

Answer №1

Why do you insist on using for loops to iterate through options and then notPressAble? You could simply utilize the includes function to determine which class to use.

handleOptions = () => {
    let array =, i) => {
      const cls = this.props.notPressAble.includes(i) ? classes.dropdownoptionsnotpressable : classes.dropdownoptions
      return (
        <a key={i} className={cls}>

    return array;

If you still prefer to stick with your current code, then you must clone the element you wish to modify and then apply the changes as shown below.

//array[x].props.className = classes.dropdownoptionsnotpressable
array[x] = React.cloneElement(array[x], {className: classes.dropdownoptionsnotpressable});

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