Transitioning classes in Vue elements

Is it achievable to create a smooth transition between two CSS classes with different background images? That's the challenge I'm currently facing.

Here is the Vue code snippet I am working on:

<div id="flip-list-demo" class="demo">
    <transition-group name="flip-list" tag="ol">
      <div v-for="item, in items" class="licontainer" v-bind:key="item.text">
        <li :data-shares="item.shares" :data-pos="item.datapos">
          <a href="#">
        {{ item.text }}
        <transition name="fade">
          <div :id = "'icon' + item.uid" :class="item.icon"></div>

Corresponding CSS styles:

ol .red, .yellow, .green {
  display: inline-block;
  width: 40px;
  height: 40px;
  position: relative;
  top: 50%;
  transform: translateY(-50%);

ol .yellow {
    transition: background-image 2s;
  background-image: Long SVG code;

ol .green {
  transition: background-image 2s;
background-image: Long SVG code;

ol .red{
  transition: background-image 2s;
    background-image: Long SVG code;

The dynamic update of the icon property triggers a redraw and changes the icons within the Vue instance.

I am particularly interested in knowing if there is a way to incorporate an opacity fade transition between the two classes, given that no items are being added or removed, just the class being updated in Vue.

Answer №1

Resolved the issue by incorporating transition: background-image 2s; at the beginning of each CSS class preceding the background image.

Answer №2

If you need to implement a transition when changing the class in your DOM, follow this example:

<div :class="{active: true}" ></div>

div {
 background-color: red;
 transition: all 2s ease;

.active {
 background-color: red;

Answer №3

Have you considered assigning classes based on specific conditions, as outlined in the Vue documentation here, and then incorporating the transition property in your CSS (source)?

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