Discover the best practices for integrating media queries using Radium within Material UI components

Having trouble applying a breakpoint to the Material UI component, Raised button. I have managed to make it work for regular divs, but not for the Material UI component.

I attempted wrapping the button inside Radium

import RaisedButton from 'material-ui/RaisedButton';
const RadiumRaisedButton = Radium(RaisedButton);

Then I proceeded with

  onMouseEnter={() => {this.setState({hoverItem: i})}}
  onMouseLeave={() => {this.setState({hoverItem: currentRating})}}
  onClick={() => {this.setState({currentRating: i})}}

and the button style is as follows:

buttonStyle: {
  width: 200,
  '@media screen and (max-width:700px)': {
    width: 200,

I need assistance in making this work. It works fine with the labelStyle property of the Raised button, but not with the required style property. I have tried both versions max-width:700px and maxWidth:700px, but nothing seems to happen.

Answer №1

To address the issue, it is recommended to utilize a brace pair when writing a media query. Making this adjustment should resolve the problem:

buttonStyle: {
  width: 200,
  ['@media screen and (max-width:700px)']: {
    width: 100,

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