The amazing feature known as "CSS3 background-clip"

Seeking a solution for restricting a background image to the text within an h2 element using -webkit-background-clip.

Wondering if -moz-background-clip functions in the same way as -webkit-background-clip. As it currently only works in webkit browsers, it appears that it does not yet function in Firefox:

#header h1 a{
    background: url(img/logo-overlay.png) no-repeat #000;
    -moz-background-clip: text; -webkit-background-clip: text;
    color: transparent; -moz-text-fill-color: transparent; -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
    text-decoration: none;

As of now, in Firefox, the text remains hidden due to the properties color: transparent and text-fill-color: transparent, showing only the background image and color within the rectangular shape of the element.

Any suggestions or solutions?

Answer ā„–1

I don't think using text as a value for the background-clip property is valid.

MDC provides information on two different declarations for Firefox versions 3.6 and below and upcoming Firefox 4, along with the webkit equivalent.

Firefox (Gecko)     
1.0-3.6 (1.2-1.9.2)    -moz-background-clip:  padding | border
4.0 (2.0)              background-clip:     padding-box | border-box | content-box

Safari (WebKit)
3.0 (522)              -webkit-background-clip:  padding | border | content

Visit the MDC document here:

If you're aiming for a specific outcome, consider using the content-box value. Keep in mind that Firefox 3.6 and earlier versions may not support this value.

Check out:

Answer ā„–2

text is currently an experimental feature in CSS for the property background-clip, allowing the background to be painted within the foreground text.

Support for the unofficial -webkit-background-clip: text (with prefix) can be found in Firefox, Chrome, and Safari.

Learn more about background-clip on Mozilla Developer Network

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