template for login page with google closure UI design

Just starting out with google closure... are there any templates provided by Google for creating a basic user registration/login page? Most of what I've found so far seems to focus on UI manipulation and DOM creation.

Answer №1

While it's not possible to render an entire login page using the closure library, you can utilize its specific UI components to create inputs, labels, forms, buttons, and define actions for each of them.

The recommended approach is to make use of these components, although creating custom CSS for predefined goog.ui components can be a bit cumbersome. This is why I prefer sticking to the common goog.dom.createDom function.

Despite requiring more code to achieve the desired visual outcome, I leverage a JS implementation similar to GSS that dynamically computes variables in a CSS style at runtime, delivering browser/version-specific styles without the need for separate stylesheets. It may add some processing time but offers speed and cleanliness.

The Closure Library offers a plethora of features for user interfaces, catering to different user needs and spans. For full compatibility with various browsers including IE 5+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Dolphin, and mobile browsers, the modular design allows on-the-fly computation of browser-specific CSS without significant overhead.

Answer №2

This resource provides all the necessary components for creating a sleek login interface. Take a closer look at the various UI controls and explore AJAX capabilities with goog.net.

Click here to access the demo page

Answer №3

function initialize() {
    var labelInput1 = new goog.ui.LabelInput('USERNAME');
    var labelInput2 = new goog.ui.LabelInput('PASSWORD');
    var loginButton = new goog.ui.Button('Login',
     goog.events.listen(loginButton, goog.ui.Component.EventType.ACTION,
        function(event) {

Include the script above within a div element with ID's "d1", "d2", and "fb1".

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