Set maximum size for background image in div

I'm facing some challenges with setting the maximum height of a background image within a div. I want the max height to be equal to the actual height of the image, without stretching it. Ideally, if there is excess content in the div, it should stop at the edge of the image and then continue with a background color for the remaining content. Here's the code snippet that I've experimented with:

    .profilbg {
        background: url(<?php echo $uin->backgroundimg; ?>);
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
        background-size: cover;
    .profilen {
        width: 100%;
        text-align: left;
        clear: both;

<div class="profilen">
    <div class="profilbg">
        <?php echo nl2br($uin->profilen); ?>

Currently, the background image zooms in and expands if there is too much content.

Answer №1

If you want to set a background image using CSS, you can follow this rule:

.custombg {
  background: url(<?php echo $uin->backgroundimg; ?>) no-repeat #000; /* Your background color */
  background-size: 100%;

By applying this CSS code, your background image will have a width of 100%, while the height will adjust accordingly. The specified background color will also be visible behind the image.

Answer №2

.profilebackground {
    background: url(<?php echo $uin->backgroundimg; ?>) no-repeat #000 ;



.profilebackground {
    background: url(<?php echo $uin->backgroundimg; ?>) no-repeat #000 ;


give it a try......

Answer №3

Although the issue has been resolved, an alternative approach would be to utilize background-size: 100%;. By doing so, instead of using cover which stretches the image to cover the entire page and potentially zoom in, setting it to 100% will fill the page with the background without zooming.

Answer №4

Modify your CSS style to achieve a full-width image with the aspect ratio intact, aligning it at the top while filling the remaining space with red color.

.profilbg {
    background: #f00 url(<?php echo $uin->backgroundimg; ?>);
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-size: 100% auto;
    background-position: center top;

Alternatively, use the background shorthand property:

.profilbg {
    background: #f00
                url(<?php echo $uin->backgroundimg; ?>)
                center top / 100% auto;

See a sample implementation below:

div {
  background: #f00
              center top / 100% auto;

  /* temporary code for testing purposes */
  height: 300px;

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