Is Flash consistently positioned above the other elements? Can it be corrected using CSS

Hey there, I just uploaded a video from YouTube onto my website and noticed that the footer, which is fixed, is being overlapped by the video. Is there any way to resolve this issue? Perhaps some CSS tricks or hacks?

Any assistance would be highly appreciated.

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Answer №1

To enhance the functionality of your YouTube iframe, include &wmode=Opaque in the URL, for more details visit this link

Keep in mind that using transparent wmode is not always necessary (compared to "opaque") for positioning purposes, unless you specifically want to create a transparent area within the Flash content as it can consume more resources.

Answer №2

To make your Flash file background transparent, you can achieve this by adjusting the wmode parameter in the embed code to transparent. For additional information on how to do this, please refer to this resource.

Answer №3

Adding "?wmode=opaque" at the end of your URL, such as "", allows it to function properly on all major browsers.

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