Modifying a CSS property with jQuery

If I have the following HTML, how can I dynamically adjust the width of all "thinger" divs?

<div class="thinger">...</div>
<div class="thinger">...</div>
<div class="thinger">...</div>

One way to do this is using jQuery like so:


But is there a way to achieve the desired result without inline styles and instead utilize CSS classes?

    .thinger {
        width: 50px;
<div class="thinger">...</div>
<div class="thinger">...</div>
<div class="thinger">...</div>

I couldn't find a jQuery method dedicated to updating existing CSS classes. Does such a utility exist or should I opt for manually adding the styles using vanilla JavaScript as shown below:

var styleElement = document.createElement('style');
styleElement.type = "text/css";
styleElement.innerHTML = ".thinger {width:" + maxWidth + ";}";

What are the pros and cons of each approach in terms of browser compatibility and adherence to best practices?

Answer №1

To efficiently apply styling to elements, it is recommended to create a separate CSS stylesheet and define class rules there. Simply add the class to the desired elements in your HTML code for easy maintenance and code reuse.

If you are unsure of the width of an element before runtime, using the css() method as you currently are is the most suitable approach.

Answer №3

Great question! It would be interesting to compare the performance benefits of different approaches.

$("<style>.thinger{width:" + maxWidth + ";}</style>").appendTo("head");

Instead of constantly adding new style tags to the page, it's better to update the existing one when needed. Here's an example:

$('button').click(function(e) {
    // get the dynamic width setting
    var maxWidth = $(,
        newRule = '.thinger{width:' + maxWidth + ';}',
        styleTag = $('#thinger-style');

    if (styleTag.length) {
        // update existing tag
    } else {
        // create new tag
        $('<style id="thinger-style">' + newRule + '</style>').appendTo("head");

Answer №4

A simple way to manipulate classes and CSS properties in jQuery is by using the .addClass() and .removeClass() methods. This allows you to easily add or remove classes from elements.


Alternatively, you can remove a class like this:


If you need to update specific CSS properties, you can also use the .css() method. For example:

$('.newClass').css('color', 'red');

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