Is it possible for JavaScript to identify modifications in the HTML, like an input made with Ctrl+Shift+I?

Check out this website I'm currently working on. As a fun challenge for users, we're encouraging them to use ctrl+shift+i to manipulate the HTML and modify certain elements.

Is it possible for Javascript or CSS/HTML to detect these changes?

For example:

  <p>This is just temporary text</p>

We'd like participants to change that placeholder text to a specific value in order to unlock access to a new page.

Answer №1

One approach mentioned in the comments entails loading a default element content upon page initialization, followed by periodic scans for any alterations

window.onload = () => {
  let changeCheck = document.querySelector('#this_should_change'); // obtain the element
  let oL = changeCheck.innerHTML; // load the initial values
  let check = setInterval(() => {
  if (changeCheck.innerHTML !== oL) { // compare current values with original ones
    alert("Changes detected"); // your custom code here
      clearTimeout(check);// disable the interval to prevent repetition
  }, 100); // this will verify the element every second
<p id="this_should_change">

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