Unslider: Ensure images stay centered even on smaller screen resolutions

Utilizing Unslider in a recent project from .

Managed to align the slider halfway, but facing an issue with off-center slides on resolutions of 1920px and lower. The image width is 3940px.

Attempted to implement the code snippet from this answer like so:

$(function () {


    function AdjustSliderImgWrapper() {
        var left = (parseInt($('.banner > li > img').width()) - $('.banner > li').innerWidth()) / -2;
        $('.banner > li > img').css('left', left);

However, no success. Also tried:

$(".banner img").each(function () {
        $(this).css("margin-left", -this.width / 2);


background-position: center center !important;

Here's the code snippet:

Answer №1

Personally, I opt for a different method. While I'm unsure if your particular slider has the capability to animate divs, one alternative is to set the image as a background image within that div. Then simply utilize background-size: cover;, allowing the browser to automatically select the optimal size for you.

Answer №2

One effective solution involves organizing the images by wrapping them in a parent class and assigning a child class to each image,

<span class="parent"><img class="child"...>

To center the images properly, follow these steps:

.parent {
    position: relative;
    overflow: hidden;

.child {
    position: absolute;
    left: -9999px;
    right: -9999px;
    margin: auto;

Additionally, include an overflow:hidden; property in the .banner ul li to prevent any overlapping of divs.

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