Tips for allowing a position:absolute <div> to expand as though it were containing a lengthy <p>innerText

This div automatically adjusts its width to fit the content inside, even if it extends beyond the page boundaries. Is there a way to make this div expand to fill the entire width of the page without needing a paragraph?

<div style="position:absolute;left:256px;background-color:blue;">
  <p>bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla</p>

To see an example in action, check out this js fiddle:

Answer №1

To achieve a responsive design, consider adjusting the width to 100% using calc:

<div style='width:calc(100% - 100px)'><p>Lorem ipsum</p></div>

Answer №2

<div style="position:absolute;left:256px;background-color:blue;">
    bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla 

<div style="position:absolute;top:100px;left:256px;background-color:blue;word-wrap: wrap-word;">
    bla 0 bla 1 bla 2 bla 3 bla 4 bla 5 bla 6 bla 7 bla 8 bla 9 
    bla 0 bla 1 bla 2 bla 3 bla 4 bla 5 bla 6 bla 7 bla 8 bla 9 
    bla 0 bla 1 bla 2 bla 3 bla 4 bla 5 bla 6 bla 7 bla 8 bla 9 

<div style="position:absolute;top:200px;text-align: center;background-color:blue;width:100%;word-wrap: wrap-word;">
  <p style="width:100%">
    bla 0 bla 1 bla 2 bla 3 bla 4 bla 5 bla 6 bla 7 bla 8 bla 9 
    bla 0 bla 1 bla 2 bla 3 bla 4 bla 5 bla 6 bla 7 bla 8 bla 9 
    bla 0 bla 1 bla 2 bla 3 bla 4 bla 5 bla 6 bla 7 bla 8 bla 9 

The issue arose when setting the width to 100% and left to 256px, causing the div to take up 100% of the screen width starting from 256px from the left.

To resolve this, simply update left: 256px;

For center alignment, use text-align: center;

<div style="position:absolute;left:256px;background-color:blue;">
    bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla 

<div style="position:absolute;top:100px;left:256px;background-color:blue;word-wrap: wrap-word;">
    bla 0 bla 1 bla 2 bla 3 bla 4 bla 5 bla 6 bla 7 bla 8 bla 9 
    bla 0 bla 1 bla 2 bla 3 bla 4 bla 5 bla 6 bla 7 bla 8 bla 9 
    bla 0 bla 1 bla 2 bla 3 bla 4 bla 5 bla 6 bla 7 bla 8 bla 9 

<div style="position:absolute;top:200px;background-color:blue;left: 256px; width:calc(100%-256px);word-wrap: wrap-word;">
  <p style="width:100%">
    bla 0 bla 1 bla 2 bla 3 bla 4 bla 5 bla 6 bla 7 bla 8 bla 9 
    bla 0 bla 1 bla 2 bla 3 bla 4 bla 5 bla 6 bla 7 bla 8 bla 9 
    bla 0 bla 1 bla 2 bla 3 bla 4 bla 5 bla 6 bla 7 bla 8 bla 9 

If you still prefer using left: 256px, utilize the calc() function in CSS

This will subtract 256px from the 100% width, providing the div with the width desired

If central text alignment is needed within the below div, add text-align: center to the <p> tag.

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