How to Use CSS to Copy a Style Path and Conceal an Element within an iFrame

My goal is to adjust a division by including a width element in its CSS properties. I have attempted to use Chrome and Firebug to copy the CSS path, but it seems that the result is incorrect. After inserting it into my style.css file, the division remains unchanged. Even upon inspecting after refreshing, it is evident that the CSS properties have not been added.

For instance, if I want to modify the style of a division named "fpart" in my footer section, copying the CSS path gives me: body > div > div.fpart. However, adding this line to my style.css—body > div > div.fpart { width:900px; }—does not yield any changes. Furthermore, the "fpart" division is located within my footer, not in the body, so the selector might need to be something like: #footer .fpart { width:900px; }

The question remains: What tool should I use to acquire the correct name of the element, which can then be successfully integrated into my style.css file for desired outcomes?

Answer №1

This should be in regular case enough:

  width: 900px;

Given the nature of your inquiry, we are assuming that the targeted div is as follows:

<div class="fpart">...</div> 

If this solution does not yield results, there may be an underlying issue that requires further investigation. We recommend trying out your code on to provide us with additional insights.

User Inputs: Webpage:

Targeted class: .fpart (within an iframe)

CSS selector for .fpart:

  border: solid 1px red;

iframe .fpart{
  // Selector to target elements inside iframe
  // Invalid selector - will not function properly
  border: solid 1px blue !important;

Answer №2

If you've selected the correct class but it's not working, consider adding !important at the end.

Here's an example:

.fpart {
width:900px !important;

Answer №3

In all likelihood, the #footer component is located within the body section, so it should still function correctly if the path is correct.

   width: 900px;

This approach should suffice. In case you are overriding a stylesheet that you do not have access to, you can directly insert these styles within the <head> of your HTML like this:

<style type="text/css">
     width: 900px;

Simply include this right before the </head> tag. If all else fails, appending !important after 900px will enforce it to take that specific value.

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