Is it possible to move the Material UI TableSortLabel Arrow to the opposite side?

My table has columns that are both right aligned and left aligned, and I need them sorted. When the column is right aligned, I would like the sorting icon to be on the left side of the header. Otherwise, there is an awkward empty space where the icon should be when the column is right aligned but the icon is hidden instead of being displayed as "none".

The TabelSortLabel API does not provide any functionality for this specific requirement.

Answer №1

To achieve this, utilize flex-direction: row-reverse in conjunction with the alignContent property.

flexDirection: ({ title }: Properties) => {
      return title?.alignContent && title?.alignContent === 'right' ? 'row-reverse' : 'row';

Answer №2

<TableCell align="right">
      onClick={() => {}
      style={{flexDirection: 'row'}}

Make sure to include the style={{flexDirection: 'row'}} to correct this issue.

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