When scrolling, a new page loads seamlessly

Recently, I came across a website that has an interesting feature where new content is loaded automatically while scrolling, seamlessly appending to the existing page.

What's more fascinating is that not only does the content change, but the URL also updates as you scroll.

I am intrigued by this functionality and would like to learn how to incorporate it into my own website. The website that inspired me is matt. Simply by scrolling down, you will see the concept of an infinite scrollbar in action along with the automatic changing of the URL address bar.

Answer №1

To add dynamic content to an existing page from a database as the user scrolls, you can make an AJAX call on scroll and control the number of calls using a throttle function. This function will ensure that the AJAX call is only served a maximum of once within a specified wait time interval.

var myajax = _.throttle(/*your ajax call goes here*/, wait/*time in ms*/);

The _.throttle() function is part of the underscore.js library. If you prefer not to use this library, you can utilize a custom version of throttle:

function myThrottle(func, wait, leading) {
  var lastCall = 0, timeout = null,

  execute = function() {
    timeout = null;

  return function() {
    var currentTime = new Date().getTime();
    if (leading && (lastCall == 0 || (currentTime - lastCall) > wait)) {
      lastCall = currentTime;

    else if (!leading && !timeout)
      timeout = setTimeout(execute, wait);

In the above snippet, the third argument leading determines whether the call should be made at the beginning or end of the wait duration. Setting it to true triggers the call at the start, blocking further calls until the wait period ends.

Answer №2

Below is an example of how you could implement this functionality:

var pageHeight = $(document).height(), // storing document height
    currentPage = 0; // current page number

$(document).on('scroll', function () {
    // if the window scroll position exceeds document height minus 300px,
    // send an ajax request and add the result to a container
    if($(window).scrollTop() > pageHeight - 300) { 
            type: "POST",
            url: "some.php",
            data: { page: currentPage },
            success: function (data) {
                $('.my-container').append(data); // adding result to container

                // store new document height
                pageHeight = $(document).height();

                currentPage += 1; // update page number

                //update url in address bar

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