It appears that the React MUI Grid is causing the page or its container to experience overflow issues

I'm utilizing Grid to maintain the organization of the entire page, but I keep encountering an overflow issue when adding multiple Grid items. This results in the scrollbar appearing even though the container size remains the same. Dashboard.tsx is part of React-Router V6's Outlet, although it may not be relevant to the issue.

Apologies for any redundant code as I am still learning and navigating my way through this.

App.tsx (excerpt)

    <Box sx={{ display: "flex" }} id="nav">
      <NavBar />
        <Box component="main" sx={{ flexGrow: 1 }} id="page-body">
          <Toolbar />
          <Outlet />


        padding: "20px"
      <Grid container>
        <Typography variant="h3" sx={{ marginBottom: "20px" }}>
          <Grid container item columnSpacing={2} rowSpacing={4}>
            <Grid item container xs={12}>
                <JobDetailPieChart />
            <Grid item container xs={12} lg={7}>
                <MachineRuntimeGantt />
            <Grid item container xs={12} lg={5}>
                <DefectParetoChart />

MachineRuntimeGantt.tsx (similar structure with other chart components)

    <Grid item container component={Box} sx={{ padding: "20px" }} spacing={2}>
      <Grid container item xs={12} alignItems="center">
        <Grid item xs={6}>
          <Typography variant={"h4"}>Machine Runtime</Typography>
        <Grid item xs={6}>
            label="Select Month"
            views={["month", "year"]}
            onChange={(newDate) => {
              textField: {
                fullWidth: true,
                InputLabelProps: { shrink: true }
      <Grid item xs={12}>
        <Divider sx={{ borderBottomWidth: "4px" }} />
      <Grid item xs={12}>
      <ChartLegend errorTypeList={errorTypeList} />

It appears that having multiple rows in the Grid causes an overflow issue, but the reason behind this is unclear to me.

The overflow occurs when including all three components or two of the same components. However, having the components on separate rows prevents this issue.

Answer №1

Appreciation to everyone who contributed to formatting the question! I have come to the conclusion that the issue lied in the appearance of the vertical scrollbar which inadvertently triggered the horizontal one as well. This was rectified by:

html {
  overflow: auto;

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