Library of CSS styling information

Has anyone come across a reliable javascript library that can retrieve the original style (not computed) of a specific element in the DOM? Essentially, I am looking for something that can provide results similar to what is displayed in Firebug's style tab. The ideal library would consider inheritance, shortcut properties, and all other CSS intricacies just like Firebug does.

Answer №1

After reading through the feedback, you may find this firebug lite bookmarklet link quite intriguing:

Prior to discovering firebug lite, I delved into creating my own personalized version:

(Please note: Select "Reveal Box Boundaries" and then click on an HTML tag on the webpage. You'll notice style properties appearing on the right-hand side. This can also function as a bookmarklet)

To generate the aforementioned bookmarklet, I utilized (link and array):

var allStyles = ["azimuth","background" ,"backgroundAttachment","backgroundColor","backgroundImage","backgroundPosition","backgroundRepeat","border","borderBottom","borderBottomColor","borderBottomStyle","borderBottomWidth","borderCollapse","borderColor","borderLeft","borderLeftColor","borderLeftStyle","borderLeftWidth","borderRight","borderRightColor","borderRightStyle","borderRightWidth","borderSpacing","borderStyle","borderTop","borderTopColor","borderTopStyle","borderTopWidth","borderWidth","bottom","captionSide","clear","clip","color","content","counterIncrement","counterReset","cssFloat","cue","cueAfter","cueBefore","cursor","direction","display","elevation","emptyCells","font","fontFamily","fontSize","fontSizeAdjust","fontStretch","fontStyle","fontVariant","fontWeight","height","left","letterSpacing","lineHeight","listStyle","listStyleImage","listStylePosition","listStyleType","margin","marginBottom","marginLeft","marginRight","marginTop","markerOffset","marks","maxHeight","maxWidth","minHeight","minWidth","orphans","outline","outlineColor","outlineStyle","outlineWidth","overflow","padding","paddingBottom","paddingLeft","paddingRight","paddingTop","page","pageBreakAfter","pageBreakBefore","pageBreakInside","pause","pauseAfter","pauseBefore","pitch","pitchRange","playDuring","position","quotes","richness","right","size","speak","speakHeader","speakNumeral","speakPunctuation","speechRate","stress","tableLayout","textAlign","textDecoration","textIndent","textShadow","textTransform","top","unicodeBidi","verticalAlign","visibility","voiceFamily","volume","whiteSpace","widows","width","wordSpacing","zIndex"];

If anyone has alternate suggestions or knows a better approach, I'm open to hearing about it too :)

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