When resizing an anchor tag with a percentage in CSS, the child image width may not scale accordingly

In short, I have multiple draggable images on a map enclosed in anchor tags (<a><img></a>) to enable keyboard dragging. The original image sizes vary, but they are all too large, so I reduced them to 20% of their original sizes using the following CSS:

img {
   width: 20%;

The issue I'm facing is that the anchor tags retain the original image size's width:


For example: https://jsfiddle.net/n8egfdb9/

I know that setting the anchor tag width to match the image's pixels can be done, but with numerous images of different sizes, this approach isn't feasible.

Unfortunately, width: fit-content doesn't affect the anchor tag's size.

I attempted using JavaScript to fetch the image size and set corresponding width and height values, which worked initially. However, when resizing the screen, it proved non-responsive. I am unaware of any JS methods that detect responsive element resizing.

Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

Setting a percentage to a class determines the size of that object in relation to its parent element. For instance, by writing

.dropped-sticker {
  width: 20%;

You are specifying that the width of the image should be 20% of the <a> tag.

Alternatively, you can set the width of the <a> tag to be 20% of its parent, the <div>, and then specify the image to occupy 100% of the <a> tag in order to prevent overflow. This way, the image will maintain proportionality with the map-panel.

.sticker-cont {
  position: absolute;
  top: 165px;
  left: 270px;
  border: 2px solid blue;
  width: 20%;
.dropped-sticker {
  width: 100%;

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