Using jQuery to alter the background position of multiple backgrounds in CSS

I'm using jQuery to dynamically adjust the background image position of an element based on screen resolution. Here's the code:

var pwwidth = $(window).width();
var pwheight =  $(window).height();
var bg1posx = pwwidth - $('h1.portofolio').width();
var bg1posy = pwheight - $('.footer').height();
var bg2posx = $('.leftporto').width() - (pwwidth * 0.05);
var bg2posy = ($('h1.portofolio').height() / 2 ) + $('h1.portofolio').css('margin-top').replace('px', '');
$('#content4').css('background-position', bg1posx+'px' bg1posy+'px', bg2posx+'px' bg2posy+'px');

In CSS, you can change multiple backgrounds of an element like this:

background-position: 100px 200px , 300px 400px;
background-position: 10% 20% , 30% 40%;

However, I'm having trouble defining it to change with jQuery as my current approach is not working:

$('#content4').css('background-position', bg1posx+'px' bg1posy+'px', bg2posx+'px' bg2posy+'px');

Answer №1

Your code contains a syntax error due to incorrect string concatenation:

Incorrect Format:

$('#content4').css('background-position', bg1posx+'px' bg1posy+'px', bg2posx+'px' bg2posy+'px');

Correct Format:

$('#content4').css('background-position', bg1posx+'px '+bg1posy+'px, '+bg2posx+'px '+bg2posy+'px');​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Answer №2

$("#your_div_id").css("background-position","-100px 0px, 0px 5px");

By applying this code, the first background will shift 100px to the left and the second one will move 5px from the top.

I employ this method to construct a slider countdown. You can see an example here:

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