Can you control the order of rendering for specific divs in a ReactJS application?

I need assistance with developing a mobile app using ReactJS and react bootstrap that can dynamically resize itself based on the screen size. One specific part of the app requires calculations to determine its dimensions based on the remaining space on the screen after other elements have been rendered.

Here is an example scenario:

var calcWidth = (100 / tableSize).toString() + '%';
    <Row id='1'>Header and other static components here</Row>
    <Row id='2'>
        //A database-driven table with square shaped cells is included here, structured as follows -
        <Container style={{width:'100%'}}>
            <Row><Col style={{width:calcWidth, paddingBottom:calcWidth}}></Col>...</Row>
    <Row id='3'>Footer and other static components here</Row>

In the code snippet above, Row 1 and Row 3 contain fixed content such as headers, footers, buttons, etc. Row 2 consists of a table with square cells that need to be centered both horizontally and vertically.

The current implementation calculates the width of each cell based on the container's width effectively creating square cells that fit perfectly horizontally. However, since the height matches the width, it causes the footer element to extend beyond the screen leading to scrollbars appearing. To avoid this issue, the width calculation should be adjusted based on the available height for the table, like so -

var remainingHeight = <total height of the container> - <height taken up by Row 1> - <height taken up by Row 3>
var width = <width of the screen>
var calcWidth = ((remainingHeight < width ? remainingHeight : width) / tableSize).toString() + '%';

My queries are as follows:

  1. How can I determine the value of the remainingHeight variable? Is there a way to ensure Row 1 and Row 3 render before calculating the remaining height for Row 2?
  2. What method can be used to ascertain the total height and width of the container?
  3. Are there any alternative approaches or CSS techniques that could simplify this process? As a beginner, I'm open to suggestions for more efficient solutions.

Answer №1

Check out this example showcasing how to dynamically calculate the height of React components:

export default function App() {
  const [height1, setHeigt1] = useState(0);
  const [height2, setHeight2] = useState(0);
  const [height3, setHeight3] = useState(0);
  const [remainingHeight, setRemainingHeight] = useState(0);

  useEffect(() => {
    const remainingHeight = 100 - height1 - height2 - height3;
  }, [setRemainingHeight, height1, height2, height3]);

  return (
        height: "100px",
        backgroundColor: "firebrick",
        padding: "15px"
        content={`Initial component 1 height = ${height1}`}
        content={`Initial component 2 height = ${height2}`}
        content={`Initial component 3 height = ${height3}`}

export function ResizableComponent({
}) {
  const [height, setHeight] = useState(0);
  const [isFirstRender, setIsFirstRender] = useState(true);

  useEffect(() => {
    const newHeight = document.getElementById(id).clientHeight;
    if (height !== newHeight && isFirstRender) {
  }, [isFirstRender, id, height, onHeightUpdated, remainingHeight]);

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [height, onHeightUpdated]);

  return (
          ? {
              backgroundColor: "pink",
              height: `calc(${height}px + ${remainingHeight}px)`
          : { backgroundColor: "pink" }

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