Animate failed due to the appending and adding of class

$('#clickMe').click(function() {
  $('#ticketsDemosss').append($('<li>').text('my li goes here')).addClass('fadeIn');
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>
<dl id="viewbranchcontact-2">
  <ul id="ticketsDemosss" class="tickets">
    <!-- add LI here -->

<button id="clickMe">Click Me</button>

any clue why the code above isn't functioning? I attempted to use animate.css library for fading in my li upon insertion but it's causing flickers.

Answer №1

Ensure to include the class animated.

Refer to the documentation for more information.

$('#clickMe').click(function() {
  $('#ticketsDemosss').append($('<li>').text('my li goes here').addClass('animated fadeIn'));
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>
<dl id="viewbranchcontact-2">
  <ul id="ticketsDemosss" class="tickets">
    <!-- add LI here -->

<button id="clickMe">Click Me</button>

Answer №2

At this moment, you are utilizing addClass on #ticketsDemosss immediately after inserting a li element into it. Your goal is actually to apply addClass on the new li element right before or after appending it.

Furthermore, when you use addClass, ensure that the 'animated' class is included along with the desired animation class. For example: addClass('fadeIn animated')

Check out the updated jsfiddle on the following link, where I have also incorporated animate.css for you to experiment and observe its functionality:

Answer №3

The reason your code is not working is because the .append method by default appends and shows the element, so adding addClass(fadeIn) won't have any effect. Also, you are adding to ul instead of li.

Here is the corrected code from @Mosh Feu:

$('#clickMe').click(function() {
  $('#ticketsDemosss').append($('<li>').text('my li goes here')
                                       .addClass('animated fadeIn')
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src="">
<dl id="viewbranchcontact-2">
  <ul id="ticketsDemosss" class="tickets">
    <!-- add LI here -->

<button id="clickMe">Click Me</button>

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