Fixed-top navbar in Bootstrap obscuring webpage contents

I have tried various solutions to the issue at hand, but nothing seems to be working. I applied padding-top to the container of my main content, but when I add the following CSS:

@media (max-width: 768px) {
  padding: 0;

it overrides the padding and hides the top portion of the page on both mobile and computer browsers.

Here is a snippet of my current HTML code:

<div id="navWrap">
  <nav class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top" role="navigation">
      <div class="container-fluid">

        (HTML code continues...)
    </div><!-- /.navbar-collapse -->
  </div><!-- /.container-fluid -->

Despite adding custom classes, the issue persists. If you need to see any specific CSS, please let me know.

My goal is to achieve a dropdown behavior similar to this example:

In this example, clicking a dropdown item pushes the content of the page downwards.

(Note: The link provided above is not my own creation)

EDIT: This issue only occurs when viewing the page on mobile devices, particularly in landscape mode. Everything functions smoothly on a desktop computer.

Answer №1

To ensure it is fixed, you can assign a specific class to the nav element (especially if you plan on using it in multiple places) and then style it as follows:

.myCustomFixedNav{top:50px; left:5%; width:90%; background:#333;}
@media (max-width: 767px) {

For reference, check out this Example Link

The inclusion of the container section is purely for demonstration purposes, but it's crucial for understanding how to manage padding adjustments (alternatively, you may utilize position -> top:100px)

Answer №2

Alright, I understand your point.

On smaller screens, when the caret (menu button) is activated, the content needs to be pushed down. This is done so that users can have access to the menu items.

Imagine a phone screen that is only 320px wide. At that size, users are focused on selecting a menu item and are not concerned with the rest of the page content since they can't see it anyway.

Does that explanation make sense?

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