Separate compound words without hyphens at the boundaries of each word

I am currently incorporating the use of Bootstrap for my project. Let's assume that I have text displayed in this way:


Is there a method to automatically ensure that it breaks like below if the text exceeds the container:


rather than:


using only HTML and CSS?

Answer №1

You have the option to include a ­ (soft hyphen) in your text

#container {
<div id="box">Code&shy;Snippet</div>

Answer №2

To achieve word break in HTML, you can utilize the <wbr> tag:

p {
  width: 80px;
  border: 2px solid black;

Answer №3

In the case of the term "Stackoverflow," it is considered a single word within a document. If you wish to break this word using CSS properties, it will split based on the available space.

To specify where you want the word to break, you must define it accordingly.

You can utilize Stack<wbr>overflow or Stack-overflow.

If you opt for Stack<wbr>overflow, the break will occur at <wbr>.

p.test1 {
    width: 60px;
    border: 1px solid #000000;
<p class="test1">Stack<wbr>overflow</p>

Alternatively, if you choose to use Stack-overflow and apply the CSS property word-break: keep-all;, the break will occur at hyphens:

p.test1 {
    width: 60px;
    border: 1px solid #000000;
    word-break: keep-all;
<p class="test1">Stack-overflow</p>

Be sure to specify one of these options.

Answer №4

If you need to separate a specific word, these provided solutions will do the trick - by adding an unseen break of some sort. While it may affect search results, the impact is not as severe as one might assume.

If you want to separate all compound terms that require modification without manually checking each one, then there isn't a straightforward solution because it necessitates context-aware English language analysis, which only a human brain can effectively accomplish.

Imagine how you would divide the following strings:

(taken from a google search for "ambiguous domain names")

...even with a dictionary to identify complete words within these phrases and add breaking spaces at those points, it's unclear whether you should split them like "import-car-show" or "import-cars-how".

One key aspect of programming is recognizing algorithms that demand natural language processing and settling for a solution that is good enough rather than spending excessive time on perfection. This situation exemplifies that principle.

Answer №5

To add a subtle space, try using the zero-width character &#8203;. Simply insert Stack&#8203;overflow in your HTML document.

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