The data table appears to be malfunctioning when the table collapses

Having trouble with the data table when adding a collapse tr. Removing the collapse tr fixes the data table issue. Any help on how to resolve this would be appreciated.

            $(this).toggleClass('fa-plus-circle, fa-minus-circle');
        $('.tableToggleBtn').next('.iconConfirmedAppointments, .fa-clock-o, .iconPracticeRescheduled').css('float','left');

  $(document).ready(function () {

            $validator = $('#frmSuggestionAppt').validate();

            var AppID=$(this).data('value');
            var patientID=$(this).data('patient');
            var parentId=$(this).data('parentid');
            var AppointmentDate=$(this).data('sugdate');
            var dTable = $('.reportTable').DataTable({
                "paging": true,
                "bSortable": false,
                "lengthChange": true,
                "bRetrieve": true,
                "bProcessing": true,
                "bDestroy": true,
                "searching": true,
                "ordering": false,
                "info": true,
                "autoWidth": true,
                "responsive": true,
                "aLengthMenu": [[20, 30, 50], [20, 30, 50]]


 <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <div class="container">

<table class="table table-bordered table-hover dr-table datatable reportTable dataTable no-footer" id="DataTables_Table_0">
                    <th style="padding-left:36px;" class="sorting_disabled">Status</th>
                    <th style="white-space: nowrap;" class="sorting_disabled">Slot Type</th>
                    <th class="sorting_disabled">Professional</th>
                    <th class="sorting_disabled">Patient</th>
                    <th class="sorting_disabled">Date &amp; time</th>
                    <th class="sorting_disabled">Checked In</th>
                    <th class="sorting_disabled">Checked Out</th>
                    <th class="sorting_disabled">Action</th>
<tr role="row">
                                <td style="width: 65px;"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus tableToggleBtn" style="cursor:pointer;"></span><div class="icon iconConfirmedAppointments" 

style="float: left;"></div></td>
                                                            <td><div class="icon iconPatientWithSlot"></div></td>
                            <td>Dr. Doctor Testing </td>
                                <a href="/doctor/patient_detail?encryptid=vkK6vkgyyNyMuKJi1qDQuw%3D%3D">

                                    Miss. Kratika  Aggrawal Sr.

                                <td>July 19 2017 - 11:00 AM</td>
                                        <div class="dropdown">
                                            <a class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
                                                <i class="fa fa-pencil fa-lg"></i>
                                                <span class="caret"></span>
                                                @media only screen and (min-width:150px) and (max-width:991px) {
                                                    .table .dropdown-menu {
                                                        left: 0px !important;
                                            <ul class="dropdown-menu">
                                                        <input type="hidden" value="77" class="Status">
                                                        <input type="hidden" value="8886" class="ID">
                                                        <input type="hidden" class="ParentPatientID">
                                                        <a class="lnkChangeStatus" href="#" style="width:auto;">Appointment Status</a>
                                                        <input type="hidden" value="8886" class="ID">
                                                        <a href="/doctor/dr_otherappointment?encryptid=vkK6vkgyyNyMuKJi1qDQuw%3D%3D" style="width:auto;">Outgoing Referrals</a>


                            <td colspan="8" style="padding: 0px;">
                                <ul class="tableToggleUl">

                                        <label>Report Status</label>
                                        <label>Record Uploaded</label>
                                        <label>Order Received</label>

                                    <li class="tableRow1Height">
                                        <label>Care Plan Uploaded</label>

                                        <label>Guardian Name</label>
                                            <span></span>                                    </li>
                                        <label>Referred By</label>
                                            <span>Miss. Kratika  Aggrawal Sr. (Patient)</span>
                                        <label>Visit Reason</label>
                                        <span>abdominal Pain</span>

                                        <label>How Did Hear</label>
                                        <span>Market Place</span>
                                        <span> Tester Rd  Snohomish Washington 98290</span>

<script src=""></script>

Answer №1

$(document).ready(function() {
  $('.btnApptSuggestion').on("click", function() {

    $validator = $('#frmSuggestionAppt').validate();

    var AppID = $(this).data('value');
    var patientID = $(this).data('patient');
    var parentId = $(this).data('parentid');
    var AppointmentDate = $(this).data('sugdate');

  try {
    var dTable = $('.reportTable').DataTable({
      "paging": true,
      "bSortable": false,
      "lengthChange": true,
      "bRetrieve": true,
      "bProcessing": true,
      "bDestroy": true,
      "searching": true,
      "ordering": false,
      "info": true,
      "autoWidth": true,
      "responsive": true,
      "aLengthMenu": [
        [20, 30, 50],
        [20, 30, 50]
  } catch (e) {


.tableToggleUl-td { display: none;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<div class="container">

  <table class="table table-bordered table-hover dr-table datatable reportTable dataTable no-footer" id="DataTables_Table_0">
        <th style="padding-left:36px;" class="sorting_disabled">Status</th>
        <th style="white-space: nowrap;" class="sorting_disabled">Slot Type</th>
        <th class="sorting_disabled">Professional</th>
        <th class="sorting_disabled">Patient</th>
        <th class="sorting_disabled">Date &amp; time</th>
        <th class="sorting_disabled">Checked In</th>
        <th class="sorting_disabled">Checked Out</th>
        <th class="sorting_disabled">Action</th>
      <tr role="row" class="tableToggleBtn-tr">

        <td style="width: 65px;"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus tableToggleBtn" style="cursor:pointer;"></span>
          <div class="icon iconConfirmedAppointments" style="float: left;"></div>
          <div class="icon iconPatientWithSlot"></div>
        <td>Dr. Doctor Testing </td>
          <a href="/doctor/patient_detail?encryptid=vkK6vkgyyNyMuKJi1qDQuw%3D%3D">

                                    Miss. Kratika  Aggrawal Sr.

        <td>July 19 2017 - 11:00 AM</td>


          <div class="dropdown">
            <a class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
              <i class="fa fa-pencil fa-lg"></i>
              <span class="caret"></span>
              @media only screen and (min-width:150px) and (max-width:991px) {
                .table .dropdown-menu {
                  left: 0px !important;
            <ul class="dropdown-menu">
                <input type="hidden" value="77" class="Status">
                <input type="hidden" value="8886" class="ID">
                <input type="hidden" class="ParentPatientID">
                <a class="lnkChangeStatus" href="#" style="width:auto;">Appointment Status</a>
                <input type="hidden" value="8886" class="ID">
                <a href="/doctor/dr_otherappointment?encryptid=vkK6vkgyyNyMuKJi1qDQuw%3D%3D" style="width:auto;">Outgoing Referrals</a>


        <td colspan="8" style="padding: 0px;"  class="tableToggleUl-td">
          <ul class="tableToggleUl">

              <label>Report Status</label>
              <label>Record Uploaded</label>
              <label>Order Received</label>

            <li class="tableRow1Height">
              <label>Care Plan Uploaded</label>

              <label>Guardian Name</label>
              <span></span> </li>
              <label>Referred By</label>
              <span>Miss. Kratika  Aggrawal Sr. (Patient)</span>
              <label>Visit Reason</label>
              <span>abdominal Pain</span>

              <label>How Did Hear</label>
              <span>Market Place</span>

              <span> Tester Rd  Snohomish Washington 98290</span>

<script enter code heresrc=""></script>

let's hope this is effective

Answer №2

When looking at Allan's response on the topic of DataTables and colspan, it becomes clear that Datatable does not currently support the use of colspan. The complexity arises from how sorting and filtering would be affected by columns spanning multiple cells. This raises questions about which column the data should belong to for sorting and filtering purposes.

Your issue may lie in your usage of colspan, as shown here:

<td colspan="8" style="padding: 0px;"  class="tableToggleUl-td">

This could be the reason for the malfunctioning of the datatable on your end.

Although incorporating colspan is currently not feasible, you can explore using Complex headers if you require merged table headers.

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